Balancing self-esteem

 - Good self-esteem is about finding a balance between thinking too little and thinking too much of ourselves.

- Egotism or narcissism refers to thinking too highly of oneself, which can be problematic.

- Many books and warnings highlight the growing narcissism in society.

- To avoid appearing self-centered, some people shy away from acknowledging their strengths and gifts.

- However, it's important to appreciate our gifts humbly and gratefully, without sounding egotistical.

- Paying attention to the unique gifts of others helps maintain a balanced perspective.

- Showing interest in others, being polite, and expressing gratitude can help prevent falling into the trap of narcissism.

- Treating others as equals by raising them up instead of lowering ourselves is a valuable approach.

- It's important to be aware of the skills and talents of friends and loved ones and compliment them genuinely.

- Self-reflection, gratitude, humility, and awareness of others are key elements in maintaining a balanced attitude toward our skills and appreciating others.

- Effective communication, building relationships, and embracing continuous learning contribute to a healthy perspective on oneself and others.